Our mission
Provide a secure and reliable online marketplace for B2B volume buyers and sellers in the secondary wholesale markets that will maximize visibility for buyers and sellers and increase their revenues by automating their sales and shipping cycles.
Our platform is built upon 60 years of experience and great success in our industry. Collaborating with the leaders in this business, we have created an easy to use, online auction platform that will expand your global reach, streamline your business process, and manage secure sales transactions for both your domestic and international business.
Register with MyThriftXchange to promote your products online and remove the barriers to international trade. This platform will broaden your business network; expand to global markets securely; gain access to data driven reporting; and take your reuse, overstock and recycled product sales and purchases to a whole new level. All business transactions are stored securely for full transparency and easy access. Buyer funds are secured in escrow pending proof of shipment, creating a secure and hassle free collection process.