Find Volume Products Quickly and Easily 

The MyThriftXchange B2B secur wholesale platform promotes used clothing, secondary materials and overstock products from verified sellers worldwide, instantly increasing your supply chain network!  MyThriftXchange helps you find and acquire unique products from the ease of your device, no matter where you may be.

How it works


As a buyer, seller or both simply fill out our online registration form to get started.

Get approved

Your account will be active and ready for use within 48 hours of registration.

Start buying

Shop a variety of post consumer wholesale products from sellers worldwide. See something you like and bid.

Why buy on MyThriftXchange?

Buy wisely, choose MyThriftXchange

  • Expand your network of suppliers and increase your supply options
  • Receive notifications from your watch list, active bids and winning auctions
  • Manage your winning auctions, shipments and view MTX trends
  • One centralized location for entire transaction process
  • Unlimited searches and personal watchlist to determine best value
  • Expand and diversify your product opportunities
  • Global product search function 
  • Explore by price, product type, region and source
  • Filter listings with detailed listing photos and videos
  • Bid by the lot, review by the LB
  • Direct access to Seller once you win the bid
  • Download historical data

Ready to start bidding?
Join MyThriftXchange and start buying.

Buyer frequently asked questions

When is payment due after the auction is won?

Once an auction has ended, the highest bidder will be notified and a deposit on account will be expected within 72 hours of being notified.  Deposit will be placed in escrow until product has shipped.

Can I sign up as both seller & buyer?

Yes. We encourage buyers to consider signing up as Unlimited.  Selling your own product lines on the site further expands your network and promotes new products.

What forms of payment are accepted?

Secure payment processing is done through our 3rd party provider, Heartland Payment Systems. We accept Credit Card Payments and Wire transfers.  Payment information is never stored on the website.

Can I use a credit card as payment to the seller?

Yes. Heartland Payment Systems charges a Credit Card fee that would be added to your initial deposit amount at time of purchase.

How do payments get processed?

We have partnered with industry leading Heartland Payment Systems to process your payments quickly and securely online.

How is shipping managed once I am the winning bidder?

Once MyThriftXchange has confirmed receipt of payment from the winning bidder, the Seller and Buyer will be put in direct contact via email regarding shipping requirements and schedules.  The winning bidder is responsible for managing the logistics and freight from place of origin.  Both the Buyer and Seller are responsible for coordinating the schedule and shipment without the involvement of MyThriftXchange.

Offering a vast selection of products      Destined for Reuse:

Years of experience and a solid reputation allows the MyThriftXchange network to access a wide variety of products.   Access to product diversity, transparent and open trade and the tracking their own market supply and demand are just a few reasons MyThriftXchange way is the positive alternative and solution.  Let’s look outside the box and beyond the lines to make positive change in our secondary markets.  Here’s how:

  • Accessories
  • Books
  • Bric-a-brac
  • Credential
  • Hard and soft toys
  • Kitchen metals
  • Mixed Institutional Rag
  • Linens
  • Overstock
  • Wiping Cloth