Selling post-consumer products just got easier with MyThriftXchange


Promote and market your unique products on our B2B network of verified buyers. Customizable options increase your visability into new markets and maximizes your success.

How it works


As a buyer, seller or both simply fill out our online registration form to get started.

Get approved

Your account will be active and ready for use within 48 hours of registration.

 Start selling

Market your post consumer secondary products, overstock and store returns on a centralized global network.

Why sell on MyThriftXchange?

Sell wisely, register with MyThriftXchange

  • Increase your market visibility through our global network of buyers
  • Seamless promotion of your own products with transparent results
  • Timely and secure transactions through single source payment processes
  • Research markets and trends with our auction search tools
  • Receive alerts about current auctions’ status and their highest bids
  • Easily create custom and repetitive listings with your own templates
  • Categorize your listings by product source
  • Packaging reimbursement options available
  • Define preferred container types and freight requirements
  • Maximize and test product value in the market 
  • Access to products in local and regional markets
  • Evaluate new product streams and demand

Get started today. Find a plan that’s right for you.

Seller frequently asked questions

Can I cancel an auction?

Yes. A seller may cancel an auction before the blind bidding begins, one (1) hour before the auction ends.

How and when will we be able to contact the buyer?

Both the Seller and the Auction Winner will be sent full contact and shipping information once the Winning Auction has been paid for in full.  

Will I have a history of all of my auctions?

Yes. You will be able to view all transactions and winning bids for reporting later. 

What if we do not have a State Resale Certificate?

MyThriftXchange is a B2B wholesale only website.  Sellers will be responsible for reporting their wholesale transactions per each state or province requirements.  A State Resale Certificate is required, if your business resides within the United States.  It will be made available to the corresponding buyer or seller upon request.

Is there a limit on the number of auctions we can open?

No. You may open as many auctions as you like within the time periods set within the platform.

Is it possible to upgrade to both buyer & seller later?

Yes. You may upgrade your subscription by contacting customer service any time during the subscription year.

Offering a vast selection of products      Destined for Reuse:

Years of experience and a solid reputation allows the MyThriftXchange network to access a wide variety of products.   Access to product diversity, transparent and open trade and tracking your own market supply and demand are just a few reasons MyThriftXchange is the next generation solution.  Let’s look outside the box and beyond the lines to make positive change in our secondary markets.

  • Accessories
  • Books
  • Bric-a-brac
  • Credential
  • Hard and Soft toys
  • Kitchen Metals
  • Mixed Institutional Rag
  • Linens
  • Overstock
  • Wiping Cloth